Celebrate the world's biggest football event with family at home

The world's biggest football tournament is upon us! Take the chance to gather, watch and support favourite teams together.

A mini football tournament at home

Children who love football are also very excited to welcome this once-in-a-four year tournament. Let's create a mini football match at home to increase their enthusiasm.

Watch the match together

The most memorable moment during the World Cup is watching the match with family and friends. Make sure your living room is comfortable for watching together by adding furniture that can accommodate everyone needs.

Create a festive ambience with food

Watching the football match is incomplete without your favourite snacks and drinks. Enhance the ambience by preparing snacks for family who will participate in nobar.

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Get excited about sports

The world's biggest football tournament also increases our concern for sports. So, while waiting for tonight's match, a simple workout at home or going to the gym would be a good idea.

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