An open plan office with carefully placed workstations and breakout areas allows for flexible space where creative collaboration and teamwork can take place. Smart storage and dividers can help to keep it fluid and open to all possibilities.
Clever use of space can help to create breakout areas. This long bar with a view and YNGVAR stools mean that people can concentrate in comfort. Behind it, the BEKANT conference tables with SKURUP pendant lamps provide perfect spaces for meetings and work reviews.
Keep chairs neat and simple for an uncluttered look around desk areas. The HATTEFJÄLL office chair has elegant curves that are designed to provide ergonomic lumbar support. It also has a tilt and adjust mechanism that is built to last years of ups and downs.
Whether being used as a collaborative space or for client presentations, a light, airy meeting room can be uplifting and inspiring. The large white table is central to this look, and it's easily created by simply joining two BEKANT conference tables together.