How to Choose Colors and Patterns for the Impression of a Spacious Room: A Practical Guide

Apart from choosing the right furniture, choosing colors and patterns to make the room seem more spacious is also quite difficult. Moreover, if you have to match the colors and patterns that each family member likes. Choosing colors and patterns for a room is an important step in interior design, and these decisions will influence the overall atmosphere and aesthetics of the room. 

You can even combine different patterns in one room to create a unique and interesting interior design. However, you need to be careful in combining different patterns so that the room still looks balanced and aesthetic. Below we outline practical steps and guidelines that can help you choose colors and patterns that are suitable for your room.

Steps in choosing colors and patterns that are suitable for the room 

Before getting into practical tips and guidelines for choosing colors and patterns for a room with a spacious impression, you should first look at several steps that you should know. 
  • Determine the purpose of the room 
    Pay attention to the main function of the room. Is it a living room, bedroom, kitchen, or work space? The purpose of the room will influence the choice of color and pattern. 
  • Choose a main color palette 
    Start by choosing a main color palette. You can choose 2-3 main colors that will dominate the room. For example, the color of the walls, large furniture and floors. 
  • Pay attention to emotional effects 
    Each color has different emotional associations. For example, blue is often associated with calm, while red can convey energy and warmth. Pay attention to the emotional effect you want to create in the room. 
  • Consider the harmony with furniture and decoration 
    Make sure the colors and patterns you choose combine with the furniture and room decoration to make it look spacious. If necessary, you may need to consider the placement of mismatched furniture or accessories. 
  • Keeping Personal Style in Mind 
    The latter, depending on the personal style of the room owner. The room should reflect personality and preferences, so that the owner will feel comfortable and happy to be in it. 

Practical Guide to Choosing Colors and Patterns for the Impression of a Spacious Room 

To make it easier for you, we will divide this guide into two parts, the first for colors and the second for patterns. Let's take a look.

A practical guide to choosing colors to give the impression of a larger room

  • Bright colors 
    Light colors such as white, cream, light gray or pastel colors tend to make the room look more spacious because they reflect light well. These colors also give a clean and fresh impression. 
  • Monochromatic color 
    Using a tonal color palette (different shades of the same color) can help create a coherent and open feel. For example, using various shades of light blue in a room will give a harmonious spacious impression. 
  • Neutral color 
    Apart from bright colors, neutral colors such as gray and beige can also create a spacious and elegant room. These colors provide a calm and accessible backdrop for a variety of decorations. 
  • The color of the ceiling is light 
    If possible, paint the ceiling a lighter color than the walls. This will give the visual impression that the ceiling is higher, making the room feel more spacious. 

A practical guide to choosing a pattern to give the impression of a wider space 

  • Plain or small pattern 
    Plain patterns or small patterns (such as small flowers or dots) tend to be suitable for rooms that want to look larger. Small patterns are less dominant and give a calmer impression. 
  • Plain in a monochromatic pallet 
    If you want to include patterns, make sure they are in the same color palette as the main walls or furniture. This helps create a sense of visual unity. 
  • Plain on walls, patterns on accessories 
    For rooms that are small or want to look larger, consider using patterns on accessories or furniture, such as pillows, rugs, or curtains, rather than on the walls or floor. 
  • Vertical pattern 
    Vertical striped patterns on walls or curtains can give the visual impression that the ceiling is higher and make the room look taller. 
  • Reflection pattern 
    Mirrors or other reflective surfaces with mirrored patterns can create a visual effect that expands the room. Try installing a large mirror with an attractive frame on the wall to create the impression of a larger room. 
Apart from color and pattern, good lighting can also influence the spacious impression of a room. Make sure the room gets as much natural light as possible with large windows or using bright artificial lighting. Also try to always keep the room clean and tidy, because cleanliness can also affect the impression of the room's spaciousness. 

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Author: Retno Andriani 

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