Why does IKEA food suit the Indonesian palate?

Despite being a multinational company from Sweden, IKEA's restaurants have successfully offered a variety of dishes that are well-loved by Indonesians. There are several reasons why IKEA's restaurant dishes are compatible with the Indonesian palate.

4 reasons why IKEA food suits Indonesian tastes

Local flavour adaptation

Since its establishment, IKEA has successfully opened several stores in various countries. To ensure the success of its restaurants in each country, IKEA adjusts its recipes to local tastes, including the distinctive flavours of Indonesian cuisine. However, these recipe adjustments still maintain the originality of the recipes, creating a unique and delicious blend of flavours.

Creating new menus

IKEA's restaurants also innovate by creating food menus based on the preferences of local tastes in each country. As a result, loyal IKEA customers can easily find local dishes with flavours they are familiar with. Indonesian customers, in particular, will feel comfortable and enjoy these dishes.

Blend of global and local foods

Equally interesting, IKEA's restaurants combine global and local Indonesian foods. Various local dishes successfully created in each country are combined with Indonesian local dishes. This allows Indonesians to enjoy familiar flavours while trying something new in one dish, satisfying their taste buds.

Availability of raw materials

IKEA wants to ensure that its loyal customers always get the desired dishes. Therefore, IKEA surely uses raw materials and spices available in the Indonesian market to obtain them quickly. The use of local raw materials and spices also ensures that Indonesians can enjoy dishes that suit their taste buds.

So, after shopping, there's no need to worry about hunger. Come, visit IKEA's restaurant, and experience the deliciousness of various available dishes.

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