It's important to keep the floor-seating study room organized and tidy. Therefore, equip your child's floor-seating study room with practical modular storage solutions like bookshelves and storage boxes.
These modular storage solutions make it easy to store study supplies after each study session. You can encourage your child to clean up easily and practically, such as organizing books back on the bookshelf and putting various stationery back into storage boxes.
You can also label the bookshelf to categorize book storage by subject and type. The same can be applied to storage boxes, making it easy for your child to find books and stationery in the future.
Implementing a floor-seating study room design for children's study activities requires attention to various aspects such as location, furniture, lighting, decoration, and comfort. With careful planning and proper arrangement, along with quality and comfortable floor
Seat cushions from IKEA, you can optimally create a floor-seating study room.