For exchanges or refunds, you can return the product within 90 days. Return the unopened item with the original purchase receipt from IKEA.
If the exchange or refund criteria are not fully met, we reserve the right to refuse the exchange or refund. This policy is in addition to IKEA's commercial guarantee.
We want to make sure that other customers can enjoy the products you return. That's why some of our products cannot be returned :
- Products whose packaging has been opened or damaged after being received by the customer.
- Products that have been assembled
- Products damaged as a result of your use
- Custom-made products such as kitchen countertops, cut fabrics, and cut curtains
- Used/opened textiles, mattresses, and mattress pads
- Plants and food products
- Home electronic appliances
- As-Is products
- The 90-day return policy does not apply to promotional product purchases of more than six units/articles/transaction